Feeling a little like Aladdin these days

“One jump ahead of the breadline, one swing ahead of the sword…”

Molly regularly delights us and belts out her favorite song from Disney’s Aladdin while we are driving, and I’ve been recently mulling over the words and started to feel an affinity with the street rat. 

I’m grateful for what I have and all that has come our way, living on the graciousness and generosity of others. Yet, at the same time, with all that this new life requires, I do feel like I’m just one jump ahead of the problems.

We’ve settled into a new routine, we’ve had a wonderful summer and are enjoying the fall and its commitments, but all the while dealing with new challenges and trying to enact patience with the healing process and the time that it takes. 

Despite always feeling like we’re living on the edge, I regularly pause and remember how thankful I am for those supporting us in all the ways that it comes: finances, prayers, offers to help or care, encouragement, celebrating the successes along the way, continued friendship — I’m thankful for every bit. 

As our paths cross, I aim to personally thank each one who has been part of this journey with us — there are so many it’s almost overwhelming to think of how long that will take. But, in the meantime, know that you’ve touched my heart, you’ve touched our lives, and we are deeply thankful. You’ve lifted us up on to your shoulders so that we might better see the hope on the horizon. 

Jaw Surgery

Following the doctor’s instructions this summer, I underwent surgery to get rid of infections in my jaw. The effect on my body is not supposed to be immediate, but we’ve already noticed an increase in energy as well as other small changes. I’ll keep you posted on these developments! 

New Challenges

I’ve had an excellent summer. We were able to go camping (a huge milestone as anxiety has kept me from enjoying camping in the past) and I’ve done lots of running and enjoying the outdoors – all things that were completely impossible the last two summers. 

However, since I’ve been feeling better, I’m more in tune to what bogs down my system and I’ve discovered that old buildings seem to cause a flare-up for both Rowan and myself. I’m currently in the process of navigating how to stay connected to our church and Rowan’s school group without slowing the healing process. If you see me wearing a mask at either of those places or anywhere, it’s not personal and I’m not contagious!!! 🙂 

I’m continuing to work with a dietitian to expand my very limited diet. It’s hard but exciting to try. 

Rowan had a great summer health-wise and then seemed to have some flare-ups this fall. So, we are continuing to work with his doctors to figure out what’s bothering him, and continuing to follow the functional medicine healing principles with him as well. 

Much thanks

I told my dad recently that I’ve stopped feeling sorry for us – for all of the limitations we have on our life, food, and environment, and physical ability for both Luke and myself, and for all that’s been lost. I’ve been reading a book written by a lawyer who had a personal life crisis and he writes about how he climbs out of the mess and finds freedom in limitations and restrictions. How he finds freedom in framings his days with prayer and freedom in living his life counter-culturally. I’ve been inspired by his story and have felt similar changes growing inside of me. At times this past year, we’ve experienced the most peace the least anxiety, some of the deepest love and joy — all while living within rigid limits and with lots of unknowns; it’s a different kind of life to lead now, but it’s not unwelcome. 

Even though we are managing, and are enjoying a wonderful quality of life, many things still come up for which we must try to navigate with patience. But in the midst of this, at particular moments this summer and fall we’ve received so much love and help, even at times when we haven’t requested help. Here’s a small list of some of the things that I remember in the last few months so you can understand why I’m so thankful! People have blessed us with:

  • clothes for our kids
  • food (vegetables and meat!) 
  • travel to Calgary
  • friends taking time off of work to help us out in various ways
  • grandparents outfitting our kids for fall and school
  • aunt and a friend’s aunt sending us money to pay for homeschool supplies and for activities for the kids  
  • continued free storage for the last bits of our stuff that needs to be cleaned or sold
  • a friend who is currently entering a mission field position sharing funds with us as we continue to pay for my monthly treatments
  • the exact amount of money we needed for the dental surgery; so wonderful
  • a dear friend of Luke’s who regularly does pulpit supply and sends us his honorarium to help pay down the medical debt we accrued last year

Our hope is to continue to strive for full restoration to health for myself and for Rowan (I would really like to eat something other than chicken and greens :D). But with family and friends supporting us and races to run and people to visit with and the warmth and thoughtfulness of the community around us, I am content. I realize that we are lucky; struggles come to all of us, but we get to trudge through it all with your kindness and your love. 

With thanks and love from the Johnson 4.

1 thought on “Feeling a little like Aladdin these days

  1. As your mom Jen I am so grateful to all those who have helped support you through this very difficult time. I think God for the process of healing that has begun and I know that he will continue it to completion. I am proud of you that you’ve been on His everlasting arms for strength. I love you beyond words. Holdfast to His hand. XO


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